Big red moon just rising over the city of Cagliari in the blue night sky The photograph is taken using a Canon 5D Mark IV DSLR camera paired with a wide-angle Sigma 14mm f/1.8 Art lens,which allows for a stunning perspective and remarkable depth of field.The camera settings are carefully selected for a big pink moon,with an aperture of f/2.8,ISO 800,and a shutter speed of 1/4000 sec.The composition is further enhanced by the use of a tripod,which stabilizes the camera and eliminates any unwanted camera shake.The stark contrast between the dark sky and the illuminated landscape creates a dramatic and mesmerizing effect,while the subtle tones and textures distant mountains of the add depth and dimension to the image.This captivating photograph is a testament to the incredible power and beauty of nature and serves as a powerful reminder of our place in the world.--ar 3:2 -
在蓝色的夜空中,一轮红色的大月亮刚刚从卡利亚里市上空升起。这张照片是用佳能5D Mark IV单反相机拍摄的,配有广角Sigma 14mm f/1.8 Art镜头,可以获得令人惊叹的视角和非凡的景深。相机设置是为一轮粉红色的大月亮精心选择的,光圈为f/2.8,ISO 800,快门速度为1/4000秒。三脚架的使用进一步增强了构图,稳定了相机,消除了任何不必要的相机抖动。黑暗的天空和明亮的风景之间的鲜明对比创造了一种引人注目的迷人效果,而远山的微妙色调和纹理为图像增添了深度和维度。这张迷人的照片证明了大自然不可思议的力量和美丽,有力地提醒我们在世界上的地位--第3:2页-