Midjourney 单图作品

- 风格midjourney AI绘画作品
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    Moulin Rouge in the style of Emmanuel Lubezki and Antonio J.Manzanedo and Alberto Vargas and Mark Simonetti,in golden light,a scene of exotic realism,smooth and shiny,a girl in a scarlet suit is posing in a red room,in the style of hyper realistic oil,asian inspired,light silver and light bronze,illustration,latex/glossy,glamorous hollywood portraits,detailed character illustrations,i cant believe it stunning,richest jewele ornate,art nouveau,symmetrical,transparant blue jewelry,hypermaximalist,elegant,vintage,hyper realistic,super detailed

    Emmanuel Lubezki和Antonio J.Manzanedo、Alberto Vargas和Mark Simonetti风格的《红磨坊》,在金色的灯光下,一个充满异国情调的现实主义场景,光滑而有光泽,一个穿着猩红色西装的女孩在一个红色房间里摆姿势,这是超现实主义的油画风格,亚洲风格,浅银和浅青铜,插图,乳胶/光泽,迷人的好莱坞肖像,详细的人物插图,我简直不敢相信它令人惊叹,最丰富的珠宝华丽,新艺术,对称,透明的蓝色珠宝,超最大化,优雅,复古,超逼真,超细节
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